Zunarelli, C. Alvisi, Transporto art. 1678-1702, In Commentario del Codice Civile e codici collegati Scialoja-Branca-Galgano, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2014 (642 pages).

More than seventy years ago Casa Editrice Zanichelli, in collaboration with Casa Editrice del Foro Italiano, launched the publication of the first volume of the Commentario del Codice Civile (Commentary to the Italian Civil Code) Scialoja-Branca, which over the decades has been enriched by numerous other volumes of comments to all the articles of the Italian Civil Code, thus becoming a monumental work, one that could be considered a milestone in the panorama of the Italian Private Law.

Throughout the years, several editions of many of the published volumes have followed, always entrusted to the comments of the most distinguished authors, and today the work is more alive than ever, and constantly updated, as proven by the latest edition, fresh off the press, of the volume regarding Transportation, with comments on articles 1678-1702 of the Civil Code, signed by Professor Stefano Zunarelli and Professor Chiara Alvisi.

The more than forty years that have passed since the previous edition regarding the same articles written by Professor Mario Iannuzzi, needed a radical re-interpretation of the subject concerning the overall principles governing the contract of carriage included in the Civil Code. Not only in light of the development of the legislative framework of the subject, but also in light of the impact that the changes occurred on the theoretical and organi-zational activities of transport and logistics (just think of the development of containerization and multi-modality) have determined on the regulation (in terms of laws and of contracts) of the relations arising from contracts for the carriage of people and goods by land.

The authors have, there-fore, adopted a method-logical approach based not only on the critical analysis of the various legal issues related to the contract of carriage as governed by the Civil Code, with an in-depth investigation of the positions taken by the Scholars and by case law, but also on the reconstruction and on the evaluation of the practice adopted by the operators in  performing the different types of commercial transactions within the market.

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