Stefano Zunarelli and Alberto Pasino will be among the speakers of the 58th UIA World Congress, which will bring together in Florence, from 29th October to 2nd November 2014, more than a thousand lawyers coming from over seventy countries.

Prof. Zunarelli will participate in the seminar focused on “The Grounding of the Costa Concordia – Legal Aspects of Sea, Environmental and Labour Law with a Mock Trial of the Criminal Case Against The Master of the Vessel”, in which the speakers will discuss the different legal issues related to a grounding, such as, for example, limitation of liability, environmental pollution, liability of the shipowner in respect of the ship master’s actions and other related issues. Prof. Zunarelli will speak on the subject “Three things to be changed in maritime regulations to avoid similar things from happening”.

Alberto Pasino will give his personal contribution to the Seminar  on “Social Media Mobility and Fixed Laws: Applying Private Inter-national Law to a Changing World”, during which speakers will com-prehensively analyze the current state of private international law in relation to social media, to cross border internet transactions and to cases of offense through the internet, and will evaluate the adequacy of the principles and the regulations of the con-ventional private inter-national law in the context of a borderless global network. Mr. Pasino’s report will  be centered on the subject “Global internet governance”.

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